3 Digital Myths: Debunked!

We debunk 3 common digital myths and misconceptions on digital transformation. Enjoy!

  • Leadership
  • Service Delivery
  • Trustee
  • Digital Support
  • 11-01-2020

Digital transformation can be described as "integrating different digital technologies into every corner of an organisation, replacing non-digital, manual and inefficient processes with digital processes". There are many misconceptions and myths surrounding the elusive and mystical digital transformation that every organisation should be undergoing in the digital age. With the rise of new advancements and a rapidly-changing landscape, we're here to debunk a few common myths to make this entire process a little bit easier and less overwhelming for you.


Digital transformation is all about technology. 


The ability to innovate depends on the skillfulness, adaptiveness and flexibility of a charity or organisation's culture. Our first and very simple nugget of advice is to forget about the latest technologies and try to veer away from the "all the gear, no idea". 

Convey your vision and nail down your strategy first. Once you have a strong understanding of your objectives and needs, the rest will quickly fall into place (and the new shiny technology comes later!). In digital transformation efforts, achieving digital competence actually relies less on technology deployment and more on removing the cultural and organizational barriers that often restrict digital adoption. If there is a lack of training and motivation to apply new systems and tools for day-to-day processes, then this will result in a slow pace of digital shift.

Long-lasting, deep change occurs when there is a mindset change and cultural change within the organisation. Now, this isn't something that can happen overnight, but digital connectivity and a willingness to learn can happen as an incremental journey that will look different to each and every business, with different goals and benchmarks for progress.

4 Key Actionable Steps: Establish a digital strategy. Audit customer journey. Prioritise an action plan. Ignite passion in employees and work environment.


Pivoting marketing budgets to digital channels and trusting on digital interactions to quickly convert and retain customers will ensure overall success.


Personal, real-life human interaction matters, now more than ever! According to a study by Accenture, 73% of consumers will choose a person over a digital capability when seeking advice or looking to resolve a service issue or complaint, and 73% of consumers become frustrated when providers fail to offer convenient methods to interact.

"A customer’s digital presence is essential to understanding who they are, what they want, and how to create meaningful experiences for them, but we live in a world where customers expect a seamless experience online and offline. When marketers ignore the proverbial blind spot between the two, companies risk losing customers and, ultimately, revenue because of it."

In relation to digital marketing efforts, TikTok's latest trend reports many statistics about the influence content creators to have when it comes to spending power. Human connection and real-life experiences have never been so powerful so now is the time to harness the information you know about your customer base and use it to your advantage, enhancing relationship and connectedness. 

4 Key Actionable Steps: Conduct research and educate internal stakeholders. Optimise in-person touchpoints. Implement analytics to follow the customer journey and potential customers. Use this data to monitor and refine marketing strategy.  


Digital transformation is a one-off project that follows a standard approach and requires everyone in the company to change. 


One of the biggest myths surrounding digital transformation is that it’s a solitary, one-off project. For a digital transformation initiative to succeed, it needs to be a corporate-wide undertaking with involvement from stakeholders across the organisation, such as charity trustees and board members - not just the employees.

When all relevant stakeholders start to harmonise efforts, digital transformation is treated as a long-term strategy and commitment to business growth, rather than a quick one-time project.

Lastly, a common misinterpretation of digital transformation is that there is one standard definition. In reality, the concept will mean something different to every charity or organisation, and its stakeholders.

The best practice to define digital transformation is to create a common understanding organisation-wide, by asking questions such as "What does digital transformation mean for the organisation?" This will be hugely beneficial in streamlining efforts and action.

We hope you found this article helpful in debunking some of the most common digital myths. At Energise Tech, we are a full digital transformation agency, finding solutions and strategies for your business is our bread and butter. As always, if you need any assistance with your tech and digital offering, please get in touch today to see how we can help you.

Lucy Greenwell

Lucy Greenwell

Marketing Manager at Energise Technology

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