Are Hybrid Events The Future of Fundraising?

Start utilising hybrid fundraising and digitising your events to gain support, donors and engagement with your charity cause!

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  • 11-01-2020

Organisations worldwide have met the demand for remote work by offering hybrid offices and utilising the hybrid work model.

With the rise of hybrid working and new digital advancements, there is also a demand to be met within the non-profit world. The future of fundraising and charity is hybrid.

Hybrid fundraisers combine traditional in-person fundraising events with online campaigns, streaming events and more. With the emergence of new technologies, cashless donations, NFT charity auctions and the Metaverse, we are being shown a world where an event or gathering is so much more than an in-person activity. The engagement, interaction, connection and buzz are being experienced from our very own home environment. This article will show you why hybrid fundraisers are the future of fundraising.

So, what are the main benefits of virtual events and hybrid fundraising?

Increase in attendance. Virtual fundraising allows more people to participate and reach a far wider audience than an in-person event. Due to the recent unprecedented times of the Pandemic, time and location proved restrictive for physical activity, whereas online virtually anyone can participate globally.

Promotion. A virtual fundraising event opens many doors of opportunity to go the extra mile with your digital marketing and promotion. Not only can the live virtual event itself be rewatched at a later date, but it can also be repurposed for email marketing, social media and outreach. There are many ways to utilise all platforms pre and post-event, build excitement and make the most out of communicating with donors.

Information sharing with donors. Donors can learn more information about the charity, board members and mission pre, during and post-event. With a wide range of video and streaming platforms in the industry, the majority have functionalities to share information and resources while donors are participating cost-effectively (something which may not have been able to happen during an in-person event).

Raise funds globally. Virtual fundraisers and hybrid events make it easier for donors all over the world to donate at the click of a button. Society is turning cashless, meaning anyone with a smartphone can donate quickly and easily, anytime and anywhere. Virtual events can be a catalyst for promotion and attraction ultimately increasing donation opportunities.

Futureproofing events and longevity. Virtual events help businesses to keep on top of event opportunities and not lose out on dates. Even though it feels like we have seen the end of Covid19 restrictions, physical events and fundraising are still at risk of being cancelled due to government regulations. If your activity is online, this is risk-free. After two years of successful online events, it proves that they are here to stay.

Personal connection. A fantastic benefit of virtual fundraising and events is the ability to nurture a more personal connection with donors. You can do this through interactive dialogue throughout the event, giving insight to the inner workings of the charity and learning more about the individuals behind the scenes.

Keeping the conversation alive outside of the event. Utilise social media, email marketing and other online tools to continue engaging with people, even if they couldn't tune into the event on the day. Keeping the conversation alive is a crucial aspect of converting into donations and creates a buzz even after the event is finished. This can be done by a recap post-event or by sending an appreciative message to those who have shown support.

Overall, hybrid fundraisers are an excellent way to raise funds, communicate with a global audience and raise awareness of your charity. If there were to be any other crises on a global scale, having the tools and resources to digitise your services and initiatives via hybrid events is key. The future of fundraising is having the ability to do both, online and offline. Charities and organisations that familiarise themselves with this will be the ones that attract the most success and support.

If you need any support with deciding which video platforms for you, please get in touch and we'd love to help you. 

Lucy Greenwell

Lucy Greenwell

Marketing Manager At Energise Technology

Lucy is passionate about writing about technology and third sector insight to help organisations meet the needs of stakeholders and end-users.

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