The FREE webinar you NEED to attend, in collaboration with Small Charity Week 2022!
Join Energise Hour: Digital Advice, Guidance & Support Session as part of SCW 2022
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- 20-06-2022
Energise Hour: Digital Advice, Support & Guidance session in collaboration with Small Charity Week 2022
Small Charity Week is a campaign which was first established by the Foundation for Social Improvement (the FSI) in 2010 to celebrate and raise the profile of the small charity sector. Since 2020 the campaign is now delivered by The FSI, NCVO, NAVCA, Local Giving and Small Charities Coalition. These organisations are all passionate and devoted to the work of the Small Charity Sector.
The week (Monday 20th to Friday 24th) is organised as a series of activities and initiatives to support and raise awareness of small charities and the contribution they make to the lives of millions of individuals and communities across the world. Charities are the eyes and ears of society. There are hundreds and thousands of organisations that make a huge difference to vulnerable communities every single day - that deserve to be acknowledged and recognised.
The objectives of Small Charity Week are to:
- Celebrate the contribution that small charities make to communities throughout the UK and across the world
- Improve the knowledge, representation and sustainability of small charities
- Highlight the work of the small charity sector to the broadest possible audience
- Encourage public giving
- Work with the small charity sector to develop political engagement at a national and local level
At Energise Technology, we are very proud and excited to be hosting a virtual event as part of #SmallCharityWeek2022. Join us for Energise Hour: Guidance, Support and Tools for Small Charities.
In the session, we will be offering expert advice on any burning technology and digital-related questions. We will also be talking about digital maturity and digital transformation, and how this affects your charity. Not only the above, but we will also be sharing the best ways to digitise your charity's services, CRM systems, video tools and more.
The webinar will be an interactive and informal set-up, with the chance to discuss what's going well - and what's not going well with digital! It's the perfect opportunity to get expert support while networking with others in the charity industry.
Sign up here to secure your place for the free advice session.

Lucy Greenwell
Marketing Manager At Energise TechnologyLucy is passionate about writing about technology and third sector insight to help organisations meet the needs of stakeholders and end-users.
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Providing technology solutions for charities, not-for-profits and education providers - helping them to deliver exceptional service to their users

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